Welcome to KPA! Psychology in Kansas is not the same without you and it is not the same without Kansas Psychological Association. Diversity Holiday/Special Dates Calendar
December marks the end of the year and an assortment of powerful annual observances and DEI holidays 2024 to help round out the year. December 1 – World AIDS Day raises awareness about HIV/AIDS and the journey to finding its cure. December 10 – International Humans Rights Day celebrates the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by the UN in 1948. December 26 to January 2 – Hanukkah* is a Jewish festival celebrates the Jewish people’s uprising against the Greeks and Syrians attempting to take Jerusalem. December 22 – Winter Solstice/Yule is celebrated by both Pagan and Wiccan faiths, this holiday celebrates the newborn solstice sun. December 25 – Christmas is a Christian holiday marks the birth of Jesus Christ. December 26 to January 1 – Kwanzaa is the seven-day holiday often celebrated by Black Americans was inspired by African harvest celebrations and honors the seven principles, one celebrated each day. January is a month to celebrate the diverse ways in which we communicate and connect with each other. From recognizing the importance of Braille for the visually impaired to honoring cultural and religious celebrations, this month is about understanding and appreciating the various forms of expression that enrich our world. January 4 – UN: World Braille Day celebrates the importance of Braille for the visually impaired. January 7 – Coptic & Eastern Orthodox Christian: Christmas marks the birth of Jesus Christ according to the Julian calendar. January 14 – Buddhist: Mahayana New Year celebrates the Buddhist New Year in Mahayana traditions. January 20 – Martin Luther King Jr. Day honors the civil rights leader and his contributions to equality. January 27 – International Day of Commemoration in Memory of Victims of the Holocaust remembers the victims of the Holocaust and promotes Holocaust education. Looking for a Therapist? Practicing psychologists have the professional training and clinical skills to help people learn to cope more effectively with life issues and mental health problems. After years of graduate school and supervised training, they become licensed by their states to provide a number of services, including evaluations and psychotherapy. Psychologists help by using a variety of techniques based on the best available research and consider someone's unique values, characteristics, goals and circumstances. The Kansas Psychological Association provides a searchable list of KPA members who are licensed to practice by the State of Kansas. Listings contained in this section are based on information given by the providers. | Upcoming Events
We have had a great turn out for Diagnosis and Treatment of Childhood Trauma webinar today. Thank you, Dr. Staples! |